
Friday, December 31, 2010

The Subscript Element

The Subscript <sub> Element is use to set the text as subscript in which the text is raised slightly lower. The subscript element is useful if the content you're writing is all about mathematics or chemistry.

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for the subscript element:
  •  class - provides the class or classes of the heading. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  • id - provides a unique name for the heading.
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the heading.
  • title - privides a text title for the heading. Most web browser displays the value of the title as "tooltip".

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Span Element

The Span <span> Element is used to group inline elements in your document and apply cascading style sheets (CSS).

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for the span element:
  •  class - provides the class or classes of the heading. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  •  id - provides a unique name for the heading.
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the heading.
  • title - privides a text title for the heading. Most web browser displays the value of the title as "tooltip".

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Small Element

The Small <small> Element is used to make its text slightly smaller. Eacha small element decreases the text by one size.

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for the small element:
  • class - provides the class or classes of the heading. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  • id - provides a unique name for the heading.
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the heading.
  • title - privides a text title for the heading. Most web browser displays the value of the title as "tooltip".

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)

The term sexually transmitted disease (STD) refers to any infection contracted primarily through sexual activities or contact. STD has replace the older term venereal disease (VD), which referred to diseases transmitted only by sexual intercourse. STD is also known as sexually transmitted infection (STI). More than 50 organisms are known to spread through sexual activity. The five most widely known STDs are chlamydial infection, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, and genital warts. Other infections are chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum, granuloma inguinale, trichomoniasis, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and some enteric and ectoparasitic infections.

STDs share the following characteristics:
  1. STDs can be transmitted by any sexual activity between opposite-sex or same-sex partners (not only vaginal-penile sex but also oral and anal sex).
  2. Having one STD confers no immunity against future reinfections with that STD or with any other STD (except, possibly, for hepatitis B).

Monday, December 27, 2010

Burn Injury

Injuries that result from direct contact with or exposure to any thermal, chemical, or radiation source are termed burns. Burn injuries occur when energy from a heat source is transferred to the tissues of the body. The depth of injury is related to the temperature and the duration of exposure or contact.

Thermal Burns - exposure to or contact with flame, hot liquids, semi-liquids (e.g., steam), semi-solids (e.g., tar), or hot objects. Specific examples of thermal burns are those sustained in residential fires, explosive, automobile accidents, scald injuries, clothing ignition, and ignition of poorly stored flammable liquids.

Chemical Burns - caused by tissue contact with strong acids, alkalis, or organic compounds. The concentration, volume, and type of chemical, as well as the duration of contact, determine the severity of a chemical injury. Chemical burns can result from contact with certain household cleaning agents and various chemicals used in industry, agriculture, and the military.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Line Break Element

The Line Break <br> element is used to create a line break and to tell the web browser that a new line should begin.

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for the line break element:
  • class - provides the class or classes of the heading. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  • id - provides a unique name for the heading.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the heading.
  • title - provides a text title for the heading. Most web browser displays the value of the title as "tooltip".

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Heart Disease or Cardiovascular Disease

You know how important your heart is, so it's no wonder people worry when they hear someone has heart problems.

Heart disease, also called cardiovascular disease, mainly affects older people and means that there are problems with the heart and blood vessels.This disease includes a variety of problems, including high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, chest pain, heart attacks, and strokes.

Here are some of the problems that go along with cardiovascular disease:
  •  Arteriosclerosis: also called hardening of the arteries, arteriosclerosis means the arteries become thickened and are no longer as flexible.
  • Atherosclerosis: a buildup of cholesterol and fat that makes the arteries narrower so less blood can flow through. Those buildups are called plaque.
  • Angina: people with angina feel a pain in the chest that means the heart isn't getting enough blood.
  • Heart attack: when a blood clot or other blockage cuts blood flow to a part of the heart.
  • Stroke: when part of the brain doesn't get enough blood due to a clot or a burst blood vessel.

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Italic Element

The Italic <i> element is used to set an italicized font. The italic element is different from the emphasized element in many aspects and usage. The italic element is used for style or any purposes to make difference from the other words or phrases.

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for the italic element:
  • class - provides the class or classes of the heading. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  • id - provides a unique name for the heading.
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the heading.
  • title - privides a text title for the heading. Most web browser displays the value of the title as "tooltip".

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Emphasized Element

The emphasized <em> element is used to emphasize a word or phrase. The text within the emphasized element are being displayed in an italicized font style.

 Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for the emphasized element:
  • class - provides the class or classes of the heading. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  • id - provides a unique name for the heading.
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the heading.
  • title - privides a text title for the heading. Most web browser displays the value of the title as "tooltip".

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Varicosities or the Varicose Veins

The increased flow of blood and the relaxation of the muscular walls of the blood vessels leads to a more difficult return of blood from the lower body. They can appear in the legs, vulva, or rectum. The varicose veins in that area that are a result of these changes can be painful, itching, dull nagging aches and pains, night cramps, ankle swelling, feelings of burning or leg fatigue after prolonged standing. This health condition affects about 20% of all adults worldwide.

Abnormal dilation of veins of lower extremities and trunks due to
  • Incompetent valve
  • Increased venous pooling
  • Venous stasis
  • Decrease venous return

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Computer Code Element

The Computer Code <code> element is used to designate text to be displayed as program code. The Computer Code <code> element used a mono-space font as its default.

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for the computer code element:
  • class - provides the class or classes of the heading. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  • id - provides a unique name for the heading.
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the heading.
  • title - privides a text title for the heading. Most web browser displays the value of the title as "tooltip".

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Citation Element

The Citation <cite> element is used to provide a bibliographic citation or reference, such as a person, the title of a book, poem, song or movie. It may also be the name of a magazine, news paper or website.

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for the citation element:
  • class - provides the class or classes of the heading. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  • id - provides a unique name for the heading.
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the heading.
  • title - privides a text title for the heading. Most web browser displays the value of the title as "tooltip".

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Bold Element

The Bold <b> element is used to set a boldfaced text.

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for the bold element:
  • class - provides the class or classes of the heading. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  • id - provides a unique name for the heading.
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the heading.
  • title - privides a text title for the heading. Most web browser displays the value of the title as "tooltip".

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Big Element

The big element is used to make its text bigger. Each big element increases the text by one size.

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for the big element:
  • class - provides the class or classes of the heading. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  • id - provides a unique name for the heading.
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the heading.
  • title - privides a text title for the heading. Most web browser displays the value of the title as "tooltip".

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Bidirectional Override Element

The Bidirectional Override <bdo> element is used to reverse the direction of the text from its original direction.

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for bidirectional element:
  • class - provides the class or classes of the heading. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  • dir - sets the direction of the text, such as "ltr" for left-to-right and "rtl" for the right-to-left.
  • id - provides a unique name for the heading.
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the heading.
  • title - privides a text title for the heading. Most web browser displays the value of the title as "tooltip".

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Acronym Element

The Acronym element is used to indicate that the text is a pronounceable word formed the initial letters of the several words.

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for acronym element:
  • class - provides the class or classes of the heading. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  • id - provides a unique name for the heading.
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the heading.
  • title - privides a text title for the heading. Most web browser displays the value of the title as "tooltip".

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Abbreviation element

The Abbreviation <abbr> Element is used to indicate that the text is a shortened form of a longer word or phrase.

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for abbreviation element:
  • class - provides the class or classes of the heading. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  • id - provides a unique name for the heading.
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the heading.
  • title - privides a text title for the heading. Most web browser displays the value of the title as "tooltip".

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Preformatted Element or Tag

The Preformatted <pre> Element defines a block of preformatted text. Multiple spaces, carriage returns and tabs are all preserved exactly as they appear in your document.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Paragraph element

The Paragraph <p> element creates a paragraph. The Paragraph <p> element is very helpful when you would like to separate group of sentences. Normally, web browsers adds a blank line before a new paragraph starts.

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for paragraph element:
  • align - sets the horizontal alignment of the heading inside the web browser, such as left, right, center and justify.
  • class - provides the class or classes of the heading. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  • id - provides a unique name for the heading.
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the heading.
  • title - provides a text title for the element. Most web browser displays the value of the title as a "tooltip".

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Horizontal Rules elements

The Horizontal Rules <hr /> elements inserts a horizontal line that divides contents. The Horizontal Rules <hr> element has no ending tag but instead must be closed with a trailing slash (/>).

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for horizontal rules element:
  • align - sets the horizontal alignment of the heading inside the web browser, such as left, right, center and justify.
  • class - provides the class or classes of the heading. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  • color - sets a color value or a predefined color name of the element.
  • id - provides a unique name for the heading.
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the heading.
  • title - privides a text title for the heading. Most web browser displays the value of the title as "tooltip".
  • width - sets the width in pixels (px) of the element.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Headings Elements

The Headings <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, and <h6> Elements introduce new section of content as a title or a header. Each heading element are relative to the importance of a heading. From the most important, the <h1> element, down to the least important, the <h6> element.

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for heading element:
  • align - sets the horizontal alignment of the heading inside the web browser, such as left, right, center and justify.
  • class - provides the class or classes of the heading. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  • id - provides a unique name for the heading.
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the heading.
  • title - privides a text title for the heading. Most web browser displays the value of the title as "tooltip".

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Division Element

The division element <div> is used to organized the content in your document. It gives a logical division or sections that group and separate related content.

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for division element:
  •      align - sets the horizontal alignment of the division element inside the web browser, such us left, right, center and justify.
  •      class - provides the class or classes of the division element. This attribute is used to identify the name of the  style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  •      id - provides a unique name fort the division element.
  •      lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  •      style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the division element.
  •      title - provides a text title for the division element. Most web browser displays the value of the title as a "tooltip".

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Center Element

This topic is about center element, how to do it in a simple way. I hope it can help you with your web page.

 The center element sets its centered horizontally inside the web browser. It can be any content, including text, images, tables and so on.

Here's an example on how to use the <center> element:

 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC  "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">

            <meta http-equiv="Content Type" content="text/html;
charset=utf-8" />
            <meta name="keywords" content="blog, web development" />

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Blockquote Element

The blockquote element provides a long quotation from the work or review of other people. The blockquote element indents a block of text and set off longer quotations.


Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for this element:
  • cite - provides the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of th original source.
  • class - provides the class or classes of the blockquote element. This attribute is used ti identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  • id - provides a unique name for the blockquote element.
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the blockquote element.
  • title - provides a text title for the blockquote element. Most web browser displays the value of the title as a "tooltip".

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Address Element

The <address> element is used to supply contact information about a person, company or organization responsible of creating the document the user is viewing. By default, the text is displayed in italicized font style. The address element can only contain text or inline elements.

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for this element:
  • class - provides the class or classes of the address element. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Body Element or the Document Body

The <body> element contains all the content to your document. The <body> element comes after the document header and must be closed before closing the document root, <html>.

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for this element:
  • alink – sets a color value or a predefined color name of the hyperlinks when they’re being clicked.
  • background – provides the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of an image file to be used as web browser’s background.
  • bgcolor – sets a color value or a predefined color name of the web browser’s background.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Title Element or the Document Title

 Here's another information and this is about the Title Element and it is a simple steps to follow. I hope this topic can help you with your web page title element.

The <tile> element provides a title of a document in which appears at the top of the web browser. The <tile> element is an important element within the document header in which it should always be present.

This is also a place for each user to check and know what document they're viewing.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Meta Element or the Document MetaData

 Hi guys!! here's another information about the meta element. I hope this topic can help you with your web page. ENJOY Reading!!

The <meta> element is used to add metadata to a document. Normally, it provides descriptive keywords for search engines. The <meta> element can also provide different kinds of HTTP request, such as refresh rates and expiration time. It defines name/value pairs that relate the document.

Here's an example of the name/value pairs:

name="keywords" content="book, web development"


http-equive="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Document HEADER or the Head Element

The <head> element describe the content of the document. Significantly, some information's contained inside the <head> element are used by search engines to index web pages. This information is referred to as metadata. There are numerous elements that you can include within the <head> element. The most common elements used are <meta>, <title>,<link>,<script> and <style> and their usage will also be discussed later on.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Document ROOT or the HTML Element

The <html> element is the root element in an HTML and XHTML document. It directly contains all the other elements, such as <head> tag and <body> tag ( or <fremeset> tag).

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for this element:
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • xml:lang - the XML format of providing the language in which the enclosed content is coded. Mainly used XML documents.
  • xmlns - sets a value to ""

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Document Type Definition ( DTD )

The <!DOCTYPE> element specifies the type of document. <!DOCTYPE> indicates the type and version of HTML and XHTML that is coded on your document and Document Type Definition (DTD) validates the document. Importantly, all HTML and XHTML document should be validated. This ensures that the code written on your document have no coding errors.

Both HTML and XHTML has there versions of DTD: strict, transitional and frameset. Strict DTD omits all the presentation attributes and elements. This DTD is used if you wish to have a clean presentation and take advantage of using cascading style sheets. Transitional DTD is the opposite strict DTD. This DTD is used if you wish to take advantage of the presentation features of HTML and when you want to support older web browsers that don't actually support cascading style sheets. Frameset DTD is used for documents with HTML frames

Here's how to declare the various versions of DTD for both HTML and XHTML:

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Hi guys!! Today I’m going to give some information about the HTML COMMENTS and why it is important to a web page to place a comment. I hope this info can help you.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Components of an HTML ELEMENTS

Hi guys!! today your about to learn the components of an HTML ELEMENT and i hope this will help you.

HTML elements are the structure of an HTML document. HTML element are constructed with an opening tag at the beginning of an element, one ore more attributes paired with their values, the content and a closing tag. If an HTML element is an empty element, it doesn't requires to have a closing tag.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


To create and edit HTML documents, you must need to use a software tools. Take note that HTML documents are saved with a file extension .html or .htm. Below are some of the software tools you can choose:

Saturday, November 27, 2010

URL ( Uniform Resource Locator)

Uniform Resource Locator ( URL ) is a unique address for a file that resides on the internet. URL is commonly known when a user enters the URL of a home page in the web browser's address line. A URL can be any file, such as an image file, a program, a javascript document or a style sheet document.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Many of us keeps wondering what is XTML or XHTML, well stop wondering anymore and learn how to do it.

HyperText Markup Language is a popular computer language that is used to create web pages. HTML consist of a markup that conveys information about the structure and presentation of a document. HTML markup is composed of several components, such us elements, character-based data types, character references, document type declaration and entity references.

eXtensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) is a markup language that is a successor and reformulation HTML using eXtensible Markup Language (XML). XML is a powerful language that provides web authors to create customized tags.

HTML and XHTML has its own rules for web authors or web developers to follow and is referred to web standards.