
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Preformatted Element or Tag

The Preformatted <pre> Element defines a block of preformatted text. Multiple spaces, carriage returns and tabs are all preserved exactly as they appear in your document.

Listed below are the most common attributes you can use for preformatted element:
  • class - provides the class or classes of the heading. This attribute is used to identify the name of the style class or classes to be used for rendering.
  • id - provides a unique name for the heading.
  • lang - provides the language in which the enclosed content is coded.
  • style - provides a cascading style sheet (CSS) properties to the heading.
  • title - provides a text title for the heading. Most web browser displays the value of the title as "tooltip".

Here's an example on how to use the preformatted element:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
charset=utf-8" />
         <mate name="keywords" content="blog, web development" />
         <title>the PREFORMATTED element</title>

         the PREFORMATTED element
         GOD'S BOUQUET
         by Jerry Johnson

         With love and grace, God filled a vase
         With flowers of every hue,
         Around it, He set
         Some baby's breath
         Cut from his garden too,

         Once content, to earth He sent
         His bouquet for all to view.
         So that we might recall,
         The beauty of it all,
         He named it after you.


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